Extremely cold water trickles out of the Glen Canyon Dam into what's left of Glen Canyon, forming an unnatural stretch of trout water on the Arizona/Utah border in a scene from DAMNATION. Photo: Ben Knight


Universalist Unitarian Church of Santa Paula
740 E Main St.
Santa Paula, CA 93060

Universalist Unitarian Church of Santa Paula

Jan 23
Santa Paula, CA 7:00 PM

The Social Concerns Action Committee of the Universalist Unitarian Church is sponsoring the award-winning film DamNation, Friday, January 23, 7:00 pm, in the church's parish hall, 740 E Main St., Santa Paula.

Dinner and a Movie
6:00pm Potluck
7:00pm Screening
Discussion afterward

FREE event

In majestic cinematography, DamNation explores the change in our national attitude from pride in big dams as engineering wonders to the growing awareness that our own future is bound to the life and health of our rivers. Where obsolete dams come down, rivers bound back to life, giving salmon and other wild fish the right to return to primeval spawning grounds. Nearby Matilija Dam is featured. Film produced by Patagonia, Inc.