Anonymous street artists painted a dotted line and scissors on the defunct Matilija Dam in 2011. The dam has been slated for removal for years, but additional studies are being conducted to decide how best to deal with the trapped sediment and downstream water supply. Matilija Dam is owned by the County of Ventura, California in a scene from DAMNATION. Photo: Matt Stoecker


Filmhuis Lumen
Doelenplein 5
2611 BP Delft

Let's Talk About Water Film & Water Symposium

Feb 20
Delft, Netherlands 2:30 PM

Presented by Let's Talk About Water, UNESCO-IHE, Deltares, TUDelft and WWF-the Netherlands
Admission €5, students/staff €3
Discussion featuring Bart Geenen, Senior Freshwater expert at WWF-the Netherlands and Kees Sloff, Deltares expert on fluvial river engineering and fluvial morphology

Welcome to the fourth installment of the film and water event Let’s Talk About Water, where water scientists and engineers, students and the general public meet and the power of cinema is used to inform, spark dialogue and electrify discussion.

More information: